WHAT TIME DO YOUR SERVICES START? Our worship service begins at 10:30 am on Sundays. We offer Women’s bible study before service beginning at 9:30 am on Sundays. We also have a Family night on Wednesday with services for adults, children and youth starting at 7pm.
HOW DO I GET TO YOUR CHURCH? Our address is 16975 E Twelve Mile Road, Roseville, MI 48066. Click HERE for a map to our church. Please call 586-771-0308 if you need any help finding our church.
WHAT HAPPENS IN A SERVICE? The service lasts about an hour—as short as 50 minutes and as long as 65 minutes. In a normal service, we open by singing a worship song and then we spend some time greeting each other and making church announcements. We then sing usually 5 worship songs and then the sermon begins. The sermon lasts about 30 minutes and uses scripture to teach its points.
WHAT DO I WEAR? You may wear whatever you want. There are some people who wear suits and ties, but many go more business casual (slacks and a button shirt), and still others wear jeans and t-shirts. It's important to remember that God looks at the soul, not at the suit.
WHAT SIZE CHURCH IS IT? Our Sunday morning worship has an average of 30 people in attendance. We have plenty of room for you and your family!
WILL I BE ASKED TO GIVE MONEY? We do bring an offering, but it is for our members and regular attendees. If you are a visitor/guest, please do not feel obligated to give.